Media exposure of the work of ASC research associates is extensive and international including books, articles, papers, interviews, symposium contributions and independent citations by scholars and others who are unaffiliated with this. Below, in no special order, are some of the many auspices under which the expertise of ASC researchers and authors has been featured.

Papers of the US Congress House Committee on Science | Papers of the US Congress Senate Committee on Commerce | Science and Transportation | World Environment Report | Directory of American Research and Technology | The Rand Corporation | The Urban Land Institute | Commlaw Conspectus  Law Journal (Catholic University of America) | The Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States | Research reports on technological innovation and economic issues published by the National Academies Press | The Harvard International Review | Courting Publicity: Twitter and Television Cameras in Court (book) | Decoding First Amendment Coverage in the Age of YouTube, Facebook and the Arab Spring (paper, NYU Annual Survey of American Law 2012) | Portable Digital Devices: Meeting Challenges to Psychotherapeutic Privacy (paper, Ethics & Behavior 2012) | Venture Catalyst: The Five Strategies for Explosive Corporate Growth (book) | Agile Competitors and Virtual Organizations: Strategies for Enriching the Customer (book, Foreword by Lee Iacocca) | New Scientist Magazine | Forbes Magazine | Manufacturing in 2010 and Beyond: Meeting the Changing Needs of National Defense (report issued by US National Research Council) | Innovation, Social Capital and the New Economy: New Federal Policies to Support Collaborative Research (briefing issued by Progressive Policy Institute) Role of Academia in National Competitiveness and Total Quality Management (symposium proceedings)

Roots of Steel: Boom and Bust in an American Mill Town (book) | US Black Engineer Magazine | Women of Color Magazine | US Woman Engineer Magazine | Black Professional Magazine | Dracula is Dead (book on the fall of the Soviet Union) | The Third Resource: A Universal Ideology of Economics (book) | 21st Century Manufacturing (book) | International Journal of the Production and Operations Management Society | New Atlantis Magazine | Current Magazine | The Times of London | Arts & Letters Daily Website | SciTech Daily Website | The Browser Website | Give Me Something To Read Website | One Article Per Day Website | History News Network | Chronicle of Higher Education | US National Science Foundation | Association of American Colleges and Universities Leadership Institute | Bookforum Magazine | Newsletter of the Institution of Professional Engineers of New Zealand | Strategizing Knowledge-based Urban Development (International Planning History Society conference proceedings) | Semantic Knowledge Management (book) | Terrorism, Crime and Public Policy (book) | Knowledge-Based Urban Development: Planning and Applications in the Information Era (book) | CRC Handbook of Modern Telecommunications (book) | How to Open & Operate a Financially Successful Web Site Design Business (book) | The Use of Internet-based Communication by People with Autism (UK PhD thesis)

Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Internet Awareness Amongst College and University Teachers (proceedings of National Seminar on Digitization and Networking of Library and Information Centers, India) | The Prospect of E-government in the GCC (paper by scientists at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research) | E-Government Comparison Between Kuwait and Bahrain (paper by scientists at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research) | Transit-Oriented Global Centers for Competitiveness and Livability: State Strategies and Market Responses in Asia (PhD dissertation, University of California at Berkeley) | 21st Century American Technological and Manufacturing Renaissance (paper published by the American Innovation Working Group) | Strategy Making in a Crisis: From Analysis to Imagination (book) Crafting Strategy Imaginatively (PhD dissertation, Germany) | Defense presentation for Modeling Strategies for Electro-Mechanical Microsystems (PhD dissertation, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) | Watching YouTube: Extraordinary Videos by Ordinary People (book) | The YouTube Reader (book) | Fleeing the City: Studies in the Culture and Politics of Antiurbanism (book) | Telehomecare and Remote Monitoring: An Outcomes Overview (paper by medical scientists, Advanced Medical Technology Association) | Industry Week Magazine | | | Ernst & Young

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