ArMel Scientifics
Center for Technology
& Public Policy
The ArMel Scientifics Center for Technology & Public Policy (ASC) is an independent  research institution dedicated to promoting scientific and technological innovation, and to studying the social, economic and public policy effects of technological innovation and scientific discovery.

Reflect on the past. Analyze the present. Invent the future.™

ASC’s Interests Include

Internet civilization • The design of human habitats and the public policies related thereto • Infrastructures, the technologies that support them and the laws and public policies that govern their development and management • The economic implications of scientific and technological research and innovation • Urban and regional planning • Artificial intelligence and information technology • Telecommunications • Nanotechnology • Ocean science • The environment • Future studies • Public health • STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education • Public understanding of science • Nuclear technology • Genetics and biotechnology • Space science • The history of science and technology • The philosophy of innovation • Architecture • The evolution of the scientific and technological disciplines.